Earn Thousands Of Dollars For Your School Or PTA With An Amazing, No-Risk Family Fundraiser Show!

Easily Fund Your PTA Or School For The Year In Just One Night. Incredible Family Magic Show Is The Ideal School FUNdraiser!...

Dear School Representative,


Like many parents and school administrators you may have good ideas on how you can help improve your child’s educational experience, however, the budget is often a huge constraint. Sending students door to door selling candy bars, etc., or pestering family to buy things they really don’t want are both undesirable ideas, while other forms of fund-raising are too financially risky.

Fortunately, Now Your School Can Easily Raise Needed Funds With An Incredibly Amazing, “No Risk” Program That Absolutely Thrills Students And Parents Alike!…



My name is Robert McEntee and I’m a professional magician & motivational speaker, specializing in educational entertainment. For years Schools have consistently raved about these BOCES Accredited programs, and now your school can have a program like no other! Do your school a favor and please carefully read this valuable information, on a completely new type of program that schools absolutely love – guaranteed! 



Just imagine students and their parents & families joining together at your school for a tremendously fun evening that will have everyone thanking you for organizing it, while raising the money needed to fund your PTA for the year! You’ll know you made the right fund-raising choice when you hear the laughter and see all the smiling faces of both children and adults in the audience. Their reaction when I float a student in the air for example is priceless!

How To Turn Your Typical School Fund-Raising Event Into a "WOW! WASN'T THAT FANTASTIC!" ONE...

Magic Beyond Imagination!” is a wonderful family show, combining visual demonstrations of captivating magic & illusions, audience participation, fun comedy, outstanding mind-reading, colorful musical routines with magical dancing lights, and optional dramatic fire eating with a brief fire safety lesson. Other highlights are great storytelling with positive/motivational themes, customized for you, such as reading, self-esteem, safety, peer-acceptance and positive thinking!

School family magic show

Your school will never forget this exciting magical extravaganza. It includes a musical grand finale with magical dancing lights & special effects. No one will want to miss other spectacular illusions such as sawing the Principal or a teacher “in half” or making them magically appear!



You also really need to see the looks of joy & wonder on everyone’s face at my incredible animated, talking picture to fully realize the positive impact this program has on your school! Now you may think, “This sounds great but…”


How Does This Family Magic Show Raise Funds For Our School or PTA

First, of all you pay me NO money up front and therefore have zero risk! I provide you with a customized camera ready flyer/letter for students to take home. This tells their parents all about The Most Amazing Evening of Family Fun Coming To Your School! After the show we simply split ticket sales 50/50. As long as your school isn’t tiny (in which case we can make alternate arrangements),


I assume all “risk” and in any case, your PTA/school raises money, to pay for whatever your school needs!

School Assembly Program

This show is THE IDEAL fund-raiser because it truly has something for all ages, and is also great for increasing enthusiasm for budget votes, back to school or parent-teacher nights, etc. If your school is fortunate enough to not need a fund-raiser, please call me for a customized price quote on a show to meet your needs.


Typically the show is an action-packed approximate hour long delight, although this is flexible. For example we can arrange the full evening show (which justifies higher ticket prices!) consisting of two approximate 45 minute halves, plus intermission to sell refreshments if you like, which will increase profits for your school or organization even more. All you have to do is follow my simple promotional suggestions. I also donate a Magic Kit for the school to raffle off! In short I provide everything necessary to make this a guaranteed successful evening!


School Assembly Program

This Is a Great Idea But We’re Too Busy To Organize The Program

All that is required on your part is to have the school copy the flyer/letter and sell tickets, which actually “sell themselves” due to the tremendous CURRENT popularity of the type of magic I perform. That’s it! Very often the student government does even this small amount of work. I am available for any consultation and marketing expertise necessary.


I provide everything else (including a 2 million dollar insurance policy for the school’s peace of mind!), and present a totally professional, proven show your PTA/school will be proud to present!


Plus, think of what your PTA/school can do to enhance your students’ education with the money raised! That’s right; for example ticket prices for my shows have been up to $10, although this is flexible. Selling approximately 350 tickets is so easy using the attractive promotional materials I provide you with. Not even counting money from the magic raffle, which I donate, or refreshment sales, if you decide to have them, gross proceeds are then $3,500! Please read on to see how your PTA/school can increase profits even more!


How Do We Know You’re Qualified To Present These Programs?

Let me tell you how my background can work for you. I graduated from Villanova University, as well as Mystery School, the world’s top Magicians Theatrical School. This show comes with over 20 years of professional magic & motivational program experience. I left my professional engineering career some years ago when I got so busy doing programs such as these!

Your program will also benefit from my work as a four term President of the International Brotherhood of Magicians here on Long Island (Ring 317), and an active member in other top performers’ organizations. The fulfillment I get from motivating and educating children through magical “edutainment” means that schools get the best program at the lowest price of any comparable show!

Countless audiences have also been thrilled by these performances at nearly 100 Long Island and Queens Libraries, book stores, day-cares, fairs, camps, cultural centers, and leading restaurants/catering halls, etc. Now you can put my experience to work for your school!

Charities and institutions such as Developmental Disabilities Institute, L.I. Youth Guidance, Special Olympics, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, and Cerebral Palsy, etc., have used my show with great success to headline their fund-raisers and benefits. The show generated tremendous revenue and enthusiasm for the sponsors of these events and will do the same for your school!

Perhaps you’ve heard about the highly acclaimed educational assemblies I’ve presented at countless schools such as, “Discover the Magic of Reading!” (Elementary School Reading Assembly) and “Take PRIDE!” (A Life Changing Character Education Presentation) or “Accelerated Learning in the Classroom!” (The Ideal Staff Development Program). If you haven’t seen or heard about my presentations, I don’t want you to take my word that you’ll be truly proud of this show…

Therefore, below  I have provided just a couple of sample show reviews, so you can see what other schools have said about my programs. Plus, this program is unconditionally guaranteed as explained below, so you can’t go wrong!

corporate magician & mentalist
Can You Make This Offer Any More Attractive? Occasion...
As a matter of fact I can! Quite frankly, the only reason I can see why you might hesitate to bring this no-risk show to your school is because you probably haven’t seen how good it is for yourself. So I want to make sure your school doesn’t miss this wonderful program. Therefore, I’m going to increase your school’s profits even more by actually limiting the amount I make!…

If you respond within 30 days I will limit the amount I can make to just $995! After the program, simply pay me that or 50% of the ticket proceeds, whichever is less, and the PTA/school keeps all left over money! Using our example above, your PTA would net over $2,500 with this easy, fun show! And if you really want to ensure a huge turnout, I can actually saw the principal or a teacher in half or make them magically appear! Believe me, the children go wild over this, and no one will want to miss it!
Remember, this program:

1. Brings students, their families and school administrators together for an unforgettably fun evening!
2. Brings tremendous recognition to your PTA/school, while raising needed funds for the year!
3. Promotes various positive attributes which students, teachers and parents will thank you for!
4. Is truly risk free, since the PTA/school keeps at least 50% of proceeds, while I do nearly all work!
5. Is simple for you to arrange since I provide all necessary publicity materials (as well as a nice prize package so you can increase your profits even more with a raffle) and coordination!



Additionally, I am so sure you will love this program, I guarantee it! If you are not completely satisfied, you don’t pay anything, and your PTA keeps all the money – it’s that simple! How many other programs come with such an offer?

School Character Education Show
School Assembly Program
School Assembly Program


Please pick up the phone and call me right now at 516-672-3957 or email me at Robert@MagicBeyondImagination.com because as you might expect, there is tremendous interest in this offer and therefore, available dates and times are extremely limited…

I would be happy to answer any questions you might have, and also send you my no obligation, FREE report, “Top Ten Secrets Of A Guaranteed Successful School Fund-Raiser!” This will improve any fund-raiser you do, whether you go with my show or not, just for your taking the time to call!

Sincerely eager to amaze & astound you,

– Robert McEntee

P.S. As an added benefit, after the program I’ll distribute colorful flyers for each student to read and learn several magic tricks that they can do at home. This is another excellent learning experience teaching hand/eye coordination, that students really enjoy!


P.P.S. Remember, available dates are very limited; Please call 516-672-3957 TODAY to avoid disappointment. I guarantee that your school will thank you tremendously for doing so NOW!!!


See What Other Schools Say...

Remember, This School Family Magic Show Is The Ideal School or PTA FUNdraiser!